It was an interesting and exciting week in the job search front. Three people that I have gotten to know while helping out with job search groups landed new jobs this week. Also, I met a new person who is just launching her job search. All four have something in common: their networking efforts.
The first three individuals were well into their job search when I first met them a few months. They were making new connections through networking. As I met them individually I asked them all the same question: “Who are you networking with? Be specific with the names, levels and companies.” I was looking to see if they were networking in the right levels based on the types of jobs they were looking for. With these three, they all seemed to be penetrating the right networking circles. In fact, based on how aggressive they were with their networking efforts, I felt it was just a matter of time before opportunities presented themselves to them, and they would be getting interviews and eventually a job offer. They had flipped on the networking light switch. They got it. They understood that focused, structured networking was going to be the key to them landing their next job. Sure enough, just like the fall weather in Western Oregon, when it rains it pours. All three moved into the interview process with not only the company they got offers with, but were also in serious interview discussions with other companies as well.
The fourth individual was just starting her job search. She had been out for about a month and had networked with a few people. As we talked I began to ask her questions about her job search process and networking efforts. Okay, I am sure my probing questions probably felt more like an inquisition than a casual coffee chat. I was asking questions like:
- Who are you networking with?
- What are your networking goals?
- How many networking meetings do you have lined up for next week?
- What trade or professional associations meetings and events are you attending?
- Are you following up with the people you meet at the professional association meetings to set up face-to-face meetings?
- Are you networking with mostly people who are currently working or with others that are seeking work as well?
- Are moving past your first generation of networking connections?
After my rapid fire round of 20 questions, I turned the spotlight off, took off the bad cop hat and put on the good cop hat and we discussed her job search plans. I shared my ideas and suggestions about setting networking goals of have at least five face-to-face meetings a week and one professional association event a week. We talked about how most people will be glad to meet with you if you ask. I shared that most people will connect you to others if you ask. As she tried to soak it all in she finally paused for a moment and then said to me: “This isn’t going to be easy is it.” At that point, I knew that she had seen that networking light switch on the wall. The question that she will have to ask herself now is, will she choose to flip it on.